Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Rampant Partisanship
Today's topic was triggered by a Facebook post that I saw yesterday. The actual link leads to a post from a CBC advocacy group who is critical of Stephen Harper's policies as they relate to the public broadcaster. I believe their point seems to be reasonable and well thought-out. My issue is they presumably thought that the topic did not have enough of a wow-factor and therefore promoted it using the headline, "CBC Sold to a U.S. Wrestling promoter!"
Now, having a family member in journalism, I am well aware that writers frequently have no input in the headlines on top of their stories, but I don't think that detracts from the overall issue: demonizing political opponents through fictional accusations cheapens debate and detracts from actual policy-based arguments, ultimately ending in a he-said-she-said conversation that only further entrenches people in their own beliefs.
I have personally noticed this in particular against the Conservative government (Stephen Harper wants to privatize EVERYTHING...and probably eats babies) no doubt in part because they are the incumbents and due to my own political biases. I am sure this occurs on all parts of the political spectrum. Rick Mercer had a wonderful bit of satire back in 2006 regarding the ridiculousness of some of the liberal attack ads of the time ( click the listen link at top of the page, the mock ad is in the first minute, "Stephen Harper has a dragon...").
The particular problem with this tactic on either side of the political spectrum is that it means that the actual issues get lost in the fray. For instance, the current conservative crime bill has been widely critiqued by a number of sources and appears to be regressive, ineffective and cruel. However many of the sources that are critiquing it now have consistently criticized every Conservative initiative and therefore are suffering the same fate as the boy who cried wolf: people have tuned them out.
People are often passionate about politics and rightly so: I would rather people cared enough to engage in the democratic process than stood by in idle apathy. However, this intense passion often leads to personalizing political fights and the need to deify one's own party leader while demonizing the opposing side. We have seen evidence of the approach of this tactic in the American Presidential nomination process: those candidates who do not tow the party line in rampant partisanship are ostracised by their parties, leaving the fight between the most polarized of opponents and leaving independents with no centrist choice.
While I have no expectation of any of this changing overnight, I do wish that there was room for a rational middle ground, a truly non-partisan critique of policy both left and right. Until then, remember that few things are black and white and few people are purely good or evil. Most politicians enter politics genuinely hoping to change things for the better, it is the job of the electorate to determine when they are truly doing so and when they are falling short.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
The 99% and the 1%
Friday, September 23, 2011
Reexamining Risk
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The end of the world as we know it?
At that time it did truly seem that the world as we understood it was crashing down while all kinds of too-big-to-fail institutions looked as if they were in the process of failing. I remember a heated debate as to whether the financial system as we knew it could survive this turmoil or if we were truly witnessing the end of an era, entering into some brave new world. At the time I fell strongly on the resiliency side of the debate, arguing that despite the real perils around us, the system would bounce back. It always had.
Looking back at that conversation now, I ask myself the same question again and find myself, more or less, with the same answer. Technically speaking, the recession in the U.S. has been over for a long while, even if unemployment numbers don't seem to back up that claim. Canada has remained somewhat insulated from the full force of the housing market and economic collapse, sheltered largely by our abundant natural resources and to a lesser extent, prudent regulation.
However, as the recent debt ceiling scare and more recent still stock market volatility has filled front pages of newspapers the world over, it does seem prudent to ask what the future holds. The first answer, of course, is that we cannot know and that for every glass-half-full type who speaks of recovery just around the corner you will find a doom-and-gloomer ready to explain how we are going to hell and the hand basket is quickly unraveling.
What tools do we have to assess who is right and who is wrong? To what extent is it reasonable to defer to experts in decision making today that will in part dictate our future prosperity? First, I would look to historical experience, both recent and more distant. It is perhaps a moot point to say that so far our society has not collapsed, however I do think that stepping back from the present moment is useful. Many times in history people have been convinced of the impending destruction of society whether it be from the threat of atheism, communism, immigration, totalitarianism, or any number of other threats both past and present. What has typically been overlooked, in my opinion, is the capacity and ingenuity of the human mind and the societal will to stand at the precipice and find the strength to turn things around.
Second, I would question both the expertise and track records of most prognosticators in the public forum. Most often, for every correct prediction they have made there are ten others excused away by context, lack of information, or misunderstanding. To avoid being the pot that calls the kettle black, I would like to clearly state that I do not pretend to know any better than anyone else in this regard. However, in the face of uncertainty I would rather believe in the eventual competence of our institutions and citizens to get their acts together rather than wallow in the much easier belief that partisanship, small mindedness, greed and foolishness will triumph over bravery, community, reasonableness and intelligence.
Is this the end of the world as we know it? We cannot know until the world ends, and by then it will be too late. In that light, I choose to continue the day to day tasks of living: seeing friends, enjoying good food, going for walks and dreaming of a future that holds opportunity even in the face of crisis.
Brief Post Script: Those of you who loyally read my blog (thanks!) know that I have on a number of occasions criticized the policy positions of the late Jack Layton. While I am sure it is evident to those of you who know me well, I would like to extend my condolances to his family and friends and my gratitude for his patriotism and broadening of the Canadian political debate. May he rest in peace.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The American Debt Ceiling: A Primer for Canadians
Essentially the issue on the table is that the American Federal Government, on or around August 2nd, 2011 will officially be out of money. Technically speaking, this means that any expense typically paid out via the Federal Government will not be paid. The most talked about reprecussion would be a default on American debt, and in particular treasury bills which have long been considered risk-free. However, on a practical level, a number of other expenses would also cease to be paid including welfare cheques, government worker salaries, and the operating expenses for libraries, museums, courts, etc.
For a number of years the US Government has been running a deficit, most recently exascerbated by the financial crisis, but present for many years before as well, meaning that year after year it is borrowing more money to finance its expenses. The legislative solution to the immediate problem of getting money is to raise something called the debt ceiling, essentially a federal debt limit imposed by Congress and raised occasionally on an as needed basis. Raising the debt ceiling is not an unusual thing
(See this graph http://http// however what is out of the ordinary is the brinkmanship that seems to be taking place in both parties as they get closer and closer to the end.
A number of misunderstandings have surfaced in discussion of this issue and while I have neither the time nor the energy to address them all, I will try to tackle the most glaringly inacurate. The first, and perhaps most fundemental misunderstanding is that raising the debt ceiling is an indication of new spending. It is not. As it happens, the debt ceiling must be raised simply in order to pay the bills on spending that has already been legislated, much of it under previous governments.
The second misunderstanding is that the debt ceiling drop dead date (August 2) is some kind of scare tactic by the US Treasury and that the government could really continue paying its debts long after this. This belief requires either a misunderstanding of the financial responsibilities of the American Government or else a belief that Obama and/or the rest of the government is actively lying and intentionally deceiving the global public. As for myself, I am not much of a conspiracy theorist and given the large degree of independent verification from non-partisan institutions, I find the August 2 date to be credible.
The third and final falacy I will try to address is the notion that even if the debt ceiling is not raised and the US Government does default, this would be just the kick in the backside the government needs to motivate it to finally get spending under control and the short term cost now would pale in comparison with the benefits of cost cutting that would follow. This point is one degree more difficult to address as it is essentially speculation and cannot be proven one way or the other until it happens. However, given the historic nature of a US Government default coupled with the global tendency to see said debt as risk-free, I think it is more likely than not that interest rates would rise substantially causing further burden on an already struggling economy. I know if I had $14 Trillion in debt, I would do everything in my power to avoid an interest rate increase.
So what does all this mean for Canada? I think it is important to note that the Bank of Canada, the Canadian Government and most international institutions still believe that the likelyhood of a default is low. That said, were it to happen, a number of consequences would likely impact Canada. Initially the Canadian Dollar along with a basket of international currencies seen to be stable would rise verus the US Dollar as investors sell it in favor of more solvent countries. Soon after, there would be a noticable drop in cross-border trade with the US (assuming an extended default) as those goods and services usually purchased by the Government would no longer be purchased. Eventually, likely sooner than later, an agreement would be made to increase the debt ceiling and pay overdue debts at which point things would gradually move back towards something approaching normality though the repercussions would be felt for a long time.
You have likely noticed that I have not addressed the political issues of Democratic versus Republican bills, philosophies, and posturing. That is because, not only would that require an entirely seperate blog post, but it also detracts from an apolitical understanding of the underlying issues. If you would like to explore those issues, I would recommend the following sites:
As always, if you have any other questions, comments, or anything else please let me know.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Labour relations in Canada
I am sure those of you who read the newspaper, watch the news on TV, listen to the radio, or generally interact with other people are well aware of the Air Canada and Canada Post strikes in recent weeks.
The issues seem to be largely framed as either money-grubbing unions putting a stop to productivity in Canada or money-grubbing corporations trying to step on the little guy. In my opinion both sides are oversimplifying a challenging issue and reinforcing entrenched views that bring the issues farther away from resolution rather than closer.
Public sympathies seem to varry according to who you talk to, but unless you are reliant on air travel or mail delivery for time-sensitive or work-related issues, it is likely that you may have only barely noticed the effect of the strike. I know for myself it mostly just means less junk mail and waiting a little longer to get the things I ordered on Ebay.
However, apart from the effects of the disruption there is a much larger, fundementally more challenging issue that I believe will increasingly be affecting employers and employees in almost all fields. The crux of both strikes seems to be mostly based on the issues of defined benefit pension plans, retirement ages, and two-tiered wage systems.
Let me not pretend that any of these issues are simple or have a single answer, but as a broad generalization most Canadian employers, both goverment and private, are moving from defined benefit (You contribute x now, you get y later) to defined contribution (you contribute x now, you get whatever x is worth later) systems, assuming they continue to have a pension system in place at all.
The labor reaction to this seems to be that employers are taking advantage of recent economic weakness to claw back the benefits that unions have fought so hard for over the years. The corporate reaction is that as people continue to live longer and the demographic trends advance to a point where there are less active workers than current retirees in a given company, the math simply does not add up anymore to continue promising these plans that cannot realistically be paid in perpetuaty.
For the most part, it seems to me that both sides have a point, however it is not possible for both to get what they want. The best compromise I can conceive of is to try to gradually implement the change in a transparant way so as to set expectations for those younger workers that they will need to carry more of the weight of their retirement while not pulling out the rug from under those older workers who have been promised one system most of their working lives only to be suddenly told that it is changing to another.
The unfortunate fact is that for most companies, the only real choice is to reform pensions now or face bankruptcy (or in the case of crown corporations, higher taxes) in the future. There is, in most cases, no magical pot of money that employers are sitting on that could be used to fund these increasing obligations. Even to maintain current benefits would often require increased productivity at a rate that is entirely unrealistic.
While I take no particular position on the government's role in legislating back-to-work bills, I do think that until both sides come to the table with these unfortunate realities in mind we will continue to see standoffs in increasly more sensitive industries. I sincerely hope that a dose of pragmatism can be taken by both parties.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Two paths to a digital future
Friday, June 3, 2011
The place of protest in politics
It seems that Miss DePape took the opportunity of being in the media spotlight to voice her opposition to the Harper government by displaying a placard shaped as a stop sign that read "Stop Harper". She was soon after removed from the Senate chamber and has allegedly been fired, according to media sources.
The question that this brings to my mind is two-fold. First, to what extent is protest appropriate in the forum of the Senate chamber, and second, if miss DePape has indeed been fired, is that a just recourse for her actions?
Miss DePape has apparently issued a statement outlining her concerns regarding Harper's government and referencing "a Canadian version of an Arab Spring", juxtaposing the acts of people protesting despotic rulers in the middle east to the democracy that we enjoy in Canada.
While I happen to disagree with Miss DePape's contention that "Harper's agenda is disastrous for this country", I do not dispute her right to voice her concerns, indeed it is one of the valued privileges of our democracy. The question is whether interrupting a speech by the democratically-elected leader of our nation is the appropriate means of voicing these concerns.
To my mind, firstly, it sets an ill-advised precedent: if the Senate is to become a forum for the unstructured and unorganized voices of the Canadian people rather than a place from which to conduct the business of governing, it will without a doubt decrease the already strained civility both in the chamber and in parliament at large. Conversely, Miss DePape obviously felt that her views were not being heard in other forums and certainly must have been aware of the likelihood of her dismissal and the loss of the valuable opportunity to work in the Senate page program.
I think ultimately the former must trump the latter; despite her intent and ambition, such breaches in both decorum and process cannot be sanctioned. Further, I think that while firing her may be a harsh response to a well-intentioned action, it likely sets the appropriate deterrent for anyone in the future who might consider a similar choice.
That being the case, what is the appropriate forum for political dissent? To my mind there are any number of forums, from conventional protests, to letters to the editor of newspapers, to political rallies all of which could garner equal media attention. We are fortunate to be afforded these and many other opportunities by virtue of living in what I believe to be a vibrant democracy, one that can radically change the face of parliament in a single election.
Miss DePape, I commend your passion and concern for our future, though I encourage your continued studies so as to perhaps better discern the differences between protesters taking to the streets to overthrow a despot and a Senate page interrupting the business of a democratically-elected government.
As always, I welcome comments, critiques and dialogue.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Ok, consider this me having entirely given up on trying to stop making political posts. It seems I am going to continue at least for the moment.
It strikes me as odd that while I claim to be a pragmatic independent, politically speaking, I have found myself far too often writing about the Conservative party in almost exclusively positive terms. While I still believe that Harper was the most capable leader on the podium in our recent election, I also think it is necessary to voice some constructive criticism.
Harper has finally secured his coveted majority after years of meticulous planning, thought and calculation. Now he finds himself in a position in which he could potentially turn the tide on the Conservative marginalization that has gone on since the 80's in Canada. Unfortunately, I have to say I have been a little disappointed in recent developments.
In particular, I am referring to the press surrounding Insite, a Vancouver facility that offers a safe place for drug addicts to have access to clean needles and some level of supervision to reduce the spread of disease and prevalence of overdose.
The facility has been around for a few years and has largely been seen as a success within the city. Recently, a number of former mayors sent a letter endorsing its value and asking Harper to let it stay open and extend its exemption to the federal narcotics legislation. For the moment it seems that those pleas, along with previous advocation from health care professionals who presumably understand the issue far better than I, have fallen on deaf ears.
My suspicion, and I do hope I am wrong, is that the request is being denied on idealogical grounds rather than an actual reasoned critique. This is an innovative, unique project, that as far as I understand seems to be at least somewhat ameliorating an intractable situation and is only controversial to those who have not seen it first hand. Everyone hopes for a Canada in which there is no addiction, but in the mean time, it seems that a pragmatic, evidence-based approach is not a bad way to go.
If the Conservatives do indeed have a vision to take on the centrist mantle that the Liberals have held in recent times, their recent negation of this issue without a public, detailed reasoning of their case seems likely to cement the negative image that many hold of Harper as one who is more concerned about a tough-on-crime image than the more nuanced facts. I hope that this in a momentary lapse in judgement rather than a signal of future policy decisions.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The sky has not fallen
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Promises you don't intend to keep...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Things Jack Layton doesn't understand (a public service message)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
10 fun and exciting ways to procrastinate
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Uncanny Similarities or how the revolution in Egypt is a lot like Angry Birds