I, in my great wisdom, decided that not only would it be a good idea to take while working full time, but that I should wait until 3 months before the exam to sign up. So here I am, trying to digest roughly 2000+ pages of material in far too little time. Instead I am writing blogs and procrastinating.
End background.
1. Plan a treasure hunt. Ideally all objects should be both difficult and time consuming to find. Bonus points for anything that requires changing time zones.
2. Cook a feast. Do not restrict yourself to ingredients you already have in, at the very least go on an extensive shopping trip. Bonus points if part of said trip involves digging up, cleaning and cooking with exotic truffles.
3. Clean your entire house/condo/room/cardboard box. You know you have been putting it off anyway and what better time than when you have an unrelated impending deadline.
4. Finish that book you have had on your bedside table for the last few months. Then go out and buy the sequel and finish it as well. It is important to take advantage of momentum in these situations.
5. Extensively research the trip you have been wanting to go on. Include detailed itinerary, flights, hotels and points of interest. Consult all guidebooks, travel blogs, friends, acquaintances and Google searches. Plan at least two backup trips in a similar manner.
6. Take up a hobby. Preferably one that requires the purchase and transport of rare birds. Bonus points if you can deduct it as a business expense.
7. Spin around in circles till dizzy. Repeat.
8. Order pizza, by now it has been a long time since the feast, you need to keep up your strength and ingenuity for further procrastination
9. Make your home a sovereign state. Declare intentions to annex Poland.
10.Become an inspirational speaker. Practice by coming up with vague but compelling sounding topics such as, "Becoming your authentic self"
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